1. Introduction

1.1. NSCI 801 - Quantitative Neuroscience

Gunnar Blohm

1.1.1. Outline

  • Why quantitative Neuroscience?

  • Course overview & materials

  • The research process

  • Study design

1.1.2. Why Quantitative Neuroscience?

  • We want to quantify observations

  • But data is corrupted by noise

  • Certain things are not directly observable (latent)

    • we need models!

  • Ultimately we want to identify causal relationships

1.1.3. Why Quantitative Neuroscience?

  • We want to quantify observations

    • questionnaires

    • measurements

But: such observations are variable…

1.1.4. Why Quantitative Neuroscience?

  • We want to quantify observations

  • But data is corrupted by noise

    • noise in the process / system

    • noise due to the measurement

    • noise due to A/D conversion

    • noise due to post-processing

Thus: we need ways to infer reality from noisy data

1.1.5. Why Quantitative Neuroscience?

  • We want to quantify observations

  • But data is corrupted by noise

  • Certain things are not directly observable (latent)

    • e.g. we cannot measure your thought process (yet), only the outcome!

    • e.g. we cannot measure inflammation, only the body’s reaction

    • we often want good “measures” of latent variables

  • Ultimately we want to identify causal relationships

Solution: we need models that causally link latent variables to measurable quantities

1.1.6. Course overview & materials

  • course web site

  • we will use Google Colab - you need a Google account!

  • all lecture materials will be in Python & Markdown

  • slides / tutorials will be shared on GitHub

  • download code from Github into Colab: File>>Open Notebook>>Github…

1.1.7. for those interested…

  • Jupyter Notebook has a “slide” option that produces HTML5 slides

  • install Reveal.js - Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension (RISE)

But you don’t need any of this!

1.1.8. Course overview & materials Goals of the course:

  • hands-on skills in signal processing, basic and advanced statistics, data neuroscience (machine learning) and model fitting methods

  • gain intuitive understanding of these topics

  • introduction to scientific programming in Python

  • familiarization with open science framework approaches

1.1.9. Course overview & materials Specific topics:

  • intro to Python & Colab

  • signal processing

  • statistics and hypothesis testing

  • models & data neuroscience

  • causality, reproducibility, Open Science

1.1.10. The research process


1.1.11. The research process Research design:

  • what is power?

  • what is effect size?

  • how to determine sample size?

1.1.12. The research process Research design:

  • what is power?

    Power calculations tell us how many samples are required in order to avoid a type I (false positive) or a type II (false negative) error

    Typically in hypothesis testing, only type II errors are considered: For a type II error probability of \(\beta\), the corresponding statistical power is \(1 − \beta\)

1.1.13. The research process Research design:

  • what is effect size?

    Quantification of the difference between two groups

    E.g. Cohen \(\color{grey}{d=\frac{\mu_1-\mu_2}{\sigma}}\)


1.1.14. The research process Let’s play - effect size

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import math


x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
mu1 = -1
sigma = .2
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, mu1, sigma))
mu2 = .5
sigma = .2
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, mu2, sigma))
print("Effect size d =", abs((mu1-mu2)/sigma))
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      2 import numpy as np
      3 import scipy.stats as stats

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'

1.1.15. The research process Let’s play - random samples

mu1 = -1
mu2 = 1
sigma = 1
N = 10 # number samples
s1 = np.random.normal(mu1, sigma, N)
s2 = np.random.normal(mu2, sigma, N)
plt.hist(s1, 30, density=True)
plt.hist(s2, 30, density=True)

1.1.16. The research process Research design:

  • how to determine sample size? (aka power calculations)

    • you essentially simulate your statistical analysis

    • you need to make meaningful assumptions, e.g. group difference, variability, power

    • you want to know how many samples you need so that you can reliably identify the hypothesized effect

  • many tools available, e.g. G*Power, WebPower online, powerandsamplesize.com, …

  • for Python: StatsModels package

1.1.17. The research process Research design - let’s compute sample size

This is for a repeated measures t-test…

from numpy import array
from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower
# from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower

# parameters for power analysis
effect_sizes = array([0.2, 0.5, 0.8])
sample_sizes = array(range(5, 100))
# calculate power curves from multiple power analyses
analysis = TTestIndPower() # or TTestIndPower for independent samples
analysis.plot_power(dep_var='nobs', nobs=sample_sizes, effect_size=effect_sizes)

What does this mean?

  • Power is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when, in fact, it is false.

  • Power is the probability of making a correct decision (to reject the null hypothesis) when the null hypothesis is false.

  • Power is the probability that a test of significance will pick up on an effect that is present.

  • Power is the probability that a test of significance will detect a deviation from the null hypothesis, should such a deviation exist.

  • Power is the probability of avoiding a Type II error.

  • Simply put, power is the probability of not making a Type II error

1.1.18. The research process

science progress

1.1.19. The research process Hypothesis testing:

  • parametric

  • non-parametric

  • Bayesian

  • model-based

More later!

1.1.20. The research process Pearl’s research flow


Pearl & Mackenzie, “The book of why”, 2018